I've started a few blogs in the past few years, but never stuck with them. usually due to them having a theme that came to an end. I wanted to start a blog I could stick with and just post recipes and reviews for foods we try. So this is just that. if I am posting a review from a cookbook that the original publisher does not have online, I will not post the recipe out of respect for the owner of that recipe. If I post a review for a recipe that is available online from the original source, I will do my best to post my own photos and also link back to the original recipe when possible.
A little about us - We're a family of 5 currently living in Hawaii. I have three children who are currently 12, 7 and 3. The youngest has some food issues that make it difficult to keep him on a Paleo/Clean diet at all. That being said we do our best to eat clean and healthy foods while also maintaining sanity and lowering stress levels by not trying to be perfect. We are not perfect. I do bake treats, probably every week. I usually use maple syrup or raw honey as a sweetener, unsweetened apple sauce if I can get away with it in the recipe.
I recently joined a CSA for the first time ever and I am really looking forward to getting my first box(es) in two weeks. I am hoping to find some new ways to love veggies.
So that's about it. This is my blog, this is what we eat and I hope you like it.
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